Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

any one taking flaxseed ?

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For a number of reasons I don't want to take HRT and I am trying to start eating healthily.
My last period was March and have had not PMS symptoms since then (the awful headaches that i did have for days just before my period had gone).
However I started taking flax seed about two months ago but surprise surprise I got a period last month also since then I have really tender swollen sore breasts that have not resolved.
Is there anyway the flax seed is increasing my hormone levels? I was also having the odd flush at night but I have had none recently. It is driving me crazy because I look top heavy and my bras don't fit.
even lying on my side is painful. has anyone else experienced anything similar ?

No period only finished two weeks ago - grr thought they had gone !

Pebbles - don't blame the flaxseeds, they are good for you but won't stop or cause meno symptoms. The peri stage is tough because it's common to get long gaps between periods and periods can be longer, heavier or lighter. We are all different and unfortunately we are not told about what expect when meno hits. That's why this site is fab.  DG x

It's most likely 2B your hormones, not anything you have eaten.  I saw a field of white flax growing this morning and have lots of blue across our plot, it won't grow where I seed it though  ::) [I also have a book about how flax was grown at Sandringham ;-) ].

I tried it years ago but couldn't crush it no how, ended up putting it out for the birds and buying a bread that had flax and pumpkin seeds in it, it didn't keep long though B4 going mouldy but was very tasty.

My periods were intermittent for several years B4 they disappeared  ::) I would have gaps for several months then 2/3 light bleeds and another gap ........

ok thanks everyone. I will keep taking it lol !
I am taking that many different things i don't know what is working and what isn't lol.
My low mood and lack of confidence seems persistent though.
I really don't want to go back on antidepressants though as I just didn't like how they made me feel.
I was hoping that by improving my diet that this would help - fingers crossed.
Good luck to everyone and thanks again : )


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