Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

What supplements do people take?

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Watch the magnesium, it can cause loose bowels  :-X

Not using a spray it can't.....hence me using a spray.

Do you not take anything CLKD. That surprised me as I know you struggle with food on occasions and thought you might supplement in some way.

Nope.  Because I forget to take it and as an emitophobe ........ swallowing can be difficult.  I used hi-dose Magnesium in the 1980s when I had a persistent cough following a virus: about 8 of us had it: and I mean persistent - 3-4 months continuous.  The Magnesium relaxed the cough reflux and after 5-6 days, the cough had gone.  The bowels however  :o  ::)

What would I need to take?  We eat healthy freshly cooked foods.  When I am able to eat I have fads, I can go for food stuffs for days then go off them  ::) so we have to be one step ahead as to what I might fancy!  So we have stand-bys ........ I've never required any supplements even when I had very heavy bleeds, month after month after ....... I never became anaemic. 

Nerves or lots of fruit get my bowels 'going'  :o

Maybe just a good multi Vit. Some fish oil and Vit D as most of us are deficient in that in this country.

Just a thought CLKD .

Dynamite Sparkle..... ;D ;D

Only if it didn't upset your tummy.

Have you tried Fybogel. It's very gentle.

Funny that Fybogel can suit both D and C types of IBS.

Never figured that one out


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