Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

What supplements do people take?

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Well it's supposed to. Mind you I'm the queen of the miracle cure that lasts...if I'm lucky a whole week... ;D

I always have some in though....I could start a small chemist all on my own.  ::)

Magnesium! Oh boy! Prior to seeing a neurologist for my menstrual migraines in 2009, I tried everything for my migraines. One thing that was always being touted was mega doses of magnesium! So I was pretty desperate at this point and the chemist persuaded me to buy the powder form to mix into orange juice. I lasted about a week on magnesium. This stuff causes the worst diarrhea I have ever encountered. Long story short, I eventually was prescribed Topamax by a neurologist and I stayed on that for 5 years until some pretty nasty side effects set in. Now I take Relpax as needed.

Fybogel  :sick02: - I by-pass the middle woman, open the packets and pour into our compost  :D

 :rofl: ....... we've had good raspberries and white currants so far this year  ;)

 :D ...........


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