Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

What supplements do people take?

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I started taking an iron/vitamin c supplement during my last period because it was so heavy. Now that my period is over, I will discontinue it. However, I still take the following daily and have done so for the last few years:

1 x Multi Vitamin
1 x Vitamin D
1 x Calcium

What do others take on a daily basis?

Dr told me only to take Calcium with vit D as I cannot take dairy produce. If taking plenty dairy I doubt you would need to take Calcium supplement.  I take probiotic in capsule form. I also take omega oil capsules as we don't eat as much fish as I'd like. Hubby isn't terribly keen on fish. I love fish!

I take probiotics by choice, for my digestion, Vitamin D3 as suggested by my endocrinologist with a multivitamin that contains the vitamin K needed with D3.  I also take Glucosamine/chondroitin and a magnesium supplement by choice. 

A pro biotic
Vit D spray as prescribed
Magnesium spray.
Multi Vit

Mrs Brown

I can hear you all rattling from here  ::)


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