Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Melatonin to get to sleep

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Hi there I've tried 2 x 1mg it didn't help so I'll try 3 x 1mg see how I get on I dont hold out much hope ...thanks again though

Hi there.
This is readily prescribed to children in the UK with sleep issues at the same dose as adults once over 12.
Who told you it isn't available in the UK?....if its your GP they seem more concerned with the cost than your health..please challenge and get prescrobed what you need.
6mg dose is generally ok.....avoid all caffiene,alcohol and smoking x

Melatonin is very hit and miss. Works for some people and doesn't for others. It never worked for me. Be very careful about taking larger doses. More is not better. Our bodies naturally produces a very small amount so when you take large doses you can get side effects like headaches, depression, vivid dreams and it can even cause insomnia. Avoid buying it online because there is no regulation and could contain contaminants.

Hi sorry for the late reply. I had to order online as my doctor won't prescribe it but it was a recommended site. I went up to 3mg but no luck. I don't know whether to try a 5mg one you melt under your tongue or if it's just not for me

Hi, I have used 3mg with great success, 10.30pm is supposed to be the best time to take it and go to bed at 11.I find it works better if you take it once in a while.I expect like a lot of things your body gets too used to it!


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