Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Melatonin to get to sleep

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Hi there as some will probably know I'm having a 4 year long battle with delayed sleep onset disorder it's 3 or 4am every night..I won't go into what I've already tried but I'm trying melatonin at the moment but as it's not available in uk I ordered 1mg extended release melatonin from USA.  I tried the 1mg tablet just before bed no help then 2 hours before bed no help so took 2 tablets =2mg both scenarios no help. Has anyone used a higher dose and had success and how long before going to bed did you take it bearing in mind it's to get me to sleep not keep me asleep.  I've read online in USA they start at 3mg lowest and find 5mg helps to get to sleep but before I take 5 tablets I'd rather hear off people on here I trust thank you


I have used Melatonin often when I used to travel extensivelly overseas. I have always used 3mg taken at least 1 hour before bedtime. Always worked perfectly! I think 1 mg might be too low.


Thank you I'll try 3 tablets tonight instead as 2mg  doesn't help. It's maybe that it won't work for me but as it's the getting to sleep I can't do i think it's my circadian cycle that's all to pot and melatonin is supposed to try and reset it over a few months..I'll give the higher dose a try thank you

Hi I haven't taken 3mg yet as I've been ill but mine are 1mg extended release would you recommend taking 3 tablets together and about 2 hours before bed ?? Thanks

Hi Peroxiblader,

If you have the extended release ones, try 2 x 1mg and see how you go on. If not, I would just go for 3mg /night.  The extended release ones give you a more constant dose throughout the night thus preventing the dreaded wake up at silly-o-clock.

Note: no wine or beer with melatonin, will make you feel really dizzy.

I hope you will feel better!



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