Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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You might want to try the following.
You can buy caffeine shampoo from Poundland for £1 or get it from Boots.

There is another brand called Plantur 39 Caffeine Shampoo, conditioner and tonic which are expensive. You might want to watch some you tube video on caffein remedy. You could rinse your hair with coffee in the morning? I know some people cannot do caffeine anymore after hit by a wonderful (!) menopause but if you can tolerate...may be worth a try?

Research paper

Then, I have mixed 1% (baby dosage) Rosemary essential oil into a mixture of Argon oil, Coconut oil and Castor oil. Rosemary oil is supposed to be stimulating. Castor oil is supposed to encourage new growth and there are BEFORE and AFTER youtube video if you do search. Castor oil in itself is very thick so I have added Argon and Coconut oil to make it appliable. Both oils are also good for your hair.

All the best.  :)

I too suffered the same problem with hair loss. The crown of my head was the worse part and my hairdresser would always give me a good head massage to get the blood flowing in that area which did help. I tried Hair Loss multivitamins with iron and yes they improved the quality of my hair for a time, but not the loss.

The turnaround for me was when I mentioned my problem to a herbalist I was seeing for other matters. He prescribed a Revitalising scalp tonic which contains aloe vera, fenugreek, rose geranium and rosemary.  I soaked my scalp at night and washed it off in the morning. There is a slight 'curry' smell from the tonic . My hair gradually went from dry and crispy to lush and the hair loss was significantly less. I still check every time I wash my hair and yes there is some loss but nothing like it was before.

I'm not sure where else you can buy this product but if you are interested the details are: New Health horizons herbal practice Tel: 01847 894991.  They will post out to you.



--- Quote from: Stellajane on July 10, 2018, 07:55:25 AM ---I think the Plantur 39 (I think its called) MAY help a bit - but not enough to justify the expense for me I'm afraid!

The hair shedding drives me nuts, I'm forever cutting hairs away from clogging the hoover. Funnily enough though I was thinking back to my teens when I had really thick long hair and it must have shed a lot even then because I can remember my mother cutting the hair out from her old vac with much grumbling - I just laughed then though of course  ::)

With me its definitely hormone related - if I finally have to stop taking oestrogen I'm fully anticipating having to wear wigs.

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May be it's the type of hoover you have?
I have long hair and my hair does shed but it has never clogged or had the need to cut it off.  ::)
I don't have the upright type though because that's just too heavy for me.

Actually, wearing wigs is in fashion nowadays. You should take it with stride. ;)
Look Beyounce.... Victoria Beckham and all them people don't grow their hair so long over a week!!
Have fun switching from curly to long slinky hair etc.


--- Quote from: Stellajane on July 16, 2018, 08:10:47 PM ---Yeah I hear you but I'm getting to old to be interested in all that. I'd love to have normal hair and just have a nice short haircut!

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Longer hair makes you look younger. ;)

I've used Plantur 39 for awhile and it did stop the shedding, but didn't encourage new growth much.

I switched to Roots Extreme Clean shampoo, I found it in Superdrug and I use a conditioner by a company called Deciem, the sub brand is Stemm. Both these things together have not only stopped shedding but I have a lot of new growth and the conditioner is amazing. My hair was never thick to start, but having a little more on top helps! :)


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