Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Red peony for hot flushes

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Thought I'd start this thread as I've been browsing this morning and read a few posts from some of you that cannot tolerate HRT and are dealing with hot flushes.

Last year one of my biggest problems was night sweats. In the Belfast Telegraph I read about a herbalist who was selling this product that many women had reported had helped them. 

So I contacted him ( I believe he's based in Wales) by email and phone.

He was very accommodating and willing to speak with me over the phone.

Within a week of taking it the night sweats disappeared- I then recommended to a cousin and the same thing happpened for her.

It wasn't very expensive - and it was also available through my local health shop he informed me.

Maybe worth trying for those unable to take HRT?

Hi DaisyB

is it this

I might give it a go as night sweats are becoming more of an issue at the moment

That's it Nearly50 - def made a great difference with night sweats. Think it cost about £18 plus postage - but would last for ages. My sis spotted the story featured in our local newspaper and I took it from there. Have to say he was very nice to speak with and also made me another tincture for anxiety but then things got so out of hand in January that I needed help with the bigger problems and I stopped taking it. Google testimonials from other women see how they fared on it??

Fingers crossed for you

Sounds interesting Daisyb, do you know if this could be used for younger girls. My 14 year old daughter gets severe period cramps, I wonder if this would help her?

Yammy I'm not sure if it would help with cramps. You could contact him? Best thing I know of is magnesium bath and spray to relax the muscles that are cramping. Xx


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