Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Menopace ?

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--- Quote from: Yammy1 on June 19, 2017, 05:42:20 PM ---Thank you hurdity, I had hysterectomy in August 2012 so I don't know where I am in meno, I still have ovaries. I'm 53 and don't fancy spending the next 10 years plus on this hormone roller coaster.

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Hi Yammy - although you kept your ovaries research has shown that women who have had a partial hysterectomy can suffer ovarian failure around five years after the op

Taz x

Thank you Taz2, that's very interesting as I'm coming up to 5 years after hysterectomy, the main reason i kept my ovaries is because due to previous cesarians my ovaries were fused to my bowel and bladder so they couldn't be removed. But it would make sense that they have stopped working in the  past few months. Hence my symptoms becoming so severe.

Just to say be very careful of herbal / vitamin supplements. I took some Menopace for 3 months then got raised liver enzyme results which I have never had before. All the docs I have seen since said to stay off them as they can mess with your liver at the time your liver is busy processing hormones...I ended up having an Ultrasound (was fine but load of stress waiting 6 weeks for it).  I didn't notice any difference from taking them but was desperate for a quick fix to all my horrid symptoms so would have taking anything going.


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