Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Menopace ?

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I have tried hrt a few times and it really doesn't seem to be for me, just wondering if anyone here has tries alternatives especially for anxiety, ie.  Menopace , evening primrose oil anything that will help please

You could try St John Wort. You need to get a good brand and take it regularly. It can take up to 6 - 12 weeks to work but there have been some good studies that show it helps with low mood etc.
I take Red Clover daily which I think reduces my flushes a bit. When I ran out of Red Clover a few months ago I quickly noticed an increase in my flushes. DG x

Hi Yammy1
I have tried menopace in the past.

It was a long time before I noticed any improvement & to be honest it just wasn't enough to help with my symptoms.

There are a lot of supplements out there & everyone's experiences are different so you may well find other things that may be of benefit to you.

Thank you girls,I think I'll have a chat with my chemist and see can she recommended something, I really don't want to go back down the hrt road if I can do without

Menopace is simply a good multivitamin with some minerals and isoflavines to support your general health during and after menopause. It is not going to reduce meno symptoms.
None of the herbal remedies will really help either.
As I mentioned, there have been studies that indicate some reduction in symptoms with RedClover for some women and increasing phytooestrogenic foods is good to try. Try having a glass of soya milk every day? DG x


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