Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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Thought I'd check back in on this one ;)  I've stoppped cbd as anxiety has gone since increasing estrogen  ::)
Anyone still trialling it?
Peroxide did I mention the Dow Dow? I bought it for problems getting into a sleep earlier this year. I've ME which flared up at same time as hormones - sleeping too much but problems getting into a deep sleep or waking at 1am wide awake at the time. It's designed by insomniacs for insomniacs and it did work. Helps you control and slow down breathing. If your in UK I'm happy to post and let you give it a go?  ::)

I think it helped but I used my bottle by first week and can't pay those prices 4 times a month, Shame

Hi daisyb you didn't mention dow dow what is it and I'll try anything I'm out of options now..only hrt left which I can't take yet with the ongoing health tests..thanks

Hi peroxide it's a tiny battery device - projects purple light onto ceiling and you breath in time to it. Takes 8 minutes of breathing to have your breathing at same rate as if you're in a deep sleep. It worked especially well at 3am - I'm just didn't need it as much when anxiety calmed down. I'm happy for you to send me PM with email. I'll post and let you give it a go. No point in spending money incase it doesn't work! If it fails you can pass it on to someone else? X

I know Annie - downside was the cost! A shame. Rhodiola was good for low level I wrote about it before. But not for the health anxiety and panic  :'(


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