Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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HI DaisyB- had never heard of this but have just asked Mr Google about it.
Do let us know if you think it works as I'm interested in giving it a try but you can be the guinea pig x

Not much point in taking it then  ;D .........

 ;D - disappointing CLKD I know!! But the health giving properties are intact. I'll keep you all posted.

Hello DaisyB.

This sounds like an interesting experiment and I hope you keep us updated. A bit of CBD oil can't be worse than gin which was known as " mother's ruin ".

Take care.


Early days Kathleen - some anxiety loitering tonight but it hasn't been let out of the cage - so to speak. I'll keep a close eye on it. Lady in health shop said lots of young lads (likely coming off drugs) are using it for anxiety withdrawal symptoms. I'll feedback often on ups/downs

DaisyB xx


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