Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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Hi PB - I'm still on it - I started in the medium strength also so hopefully will see improvement. At the moment low level anxiety is virtually non existent- but I'm still not sold as last week I had a dreadful surge of panic. I am now recording daily as I have a feeling the panic surges are tied somehow to hormone peaks - time will tell I suppose :)

Feeling totally chilled - took action today to get pins and needles etc properly investigated and no panic! My boss is doing home visit this week (employers policy) and I feel no anxiety - my dad bought us both a new brand - health shop guy recommended not sure if it's that or just building up in system? Still cynical and waiting for the panic surge - nothing yet ::)  my dad back in hospital couldn't bring CBD in with him ::)  said today it's a miracle! Since stopping yesterday AN he couldn't walk across the floor as all his pain returned. So for both of us it seems to be working - me for anxiety/ dad for pain. I've also started today using it on very stubborn toe nail fungus - will keep you posted on any progress or not. Xx

Daisy, can you remind me how many drops and when ? I.e. Morning or evening also is there anything weird that happens at the start ?

Oh my days.... just managed 1/2 dropper under tongue, am sure I've pulled every tummy muscle possible retching, how I've not been sick is a miracle.   It's like swallowing vegetable oil 😷

Oh that's really not nice.

That's why I asked if it was rub it on or swallow it. I'm not keen on taking anything orally if I can avoid it.

Will you try again or not.
I hope you feel better really soon.

Mrs Brown


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