Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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My friend had physio for her neck and it actually made her worse!

I would think your anxiety would increase learning about your Mum but it sounds like the chiro treatment exacerbated your problems with your arm and leg. I would go back to your GP about your C3 issue and go through the correct channels eg. Not a chiro! x

Yes megamind I'm waiting on her call x think your right.

I have replied in your other thread.  It really confusing to have 2 running on similar issues though  :-\

I know CKLD - apologies head all over the place !!! Thank you kindly xx

I started cbd oil 4 weeks ago just one dropper twice a day it hasn't helped my ability to go to sleep although I do feel less anxious which was a bonus..but one thing I have noticed is my rls has virtually gone..I had no hopes fir cbd working for my sleep as the dose needed for insomnia is MASSIVE and would be more money than I could afford.  My bottle was £25 it lasted 4 weeks but like I said minimum dose I have ordered the slightly stronger next one to try from this weekend but at £55 this is the most I can afford so this is my limit. But the fact my rls is much better is fantastic so it's worth it for that..I can't say if it's helped in any other areas as sadly i took it whilst i had missed my second period so I was all over and hormones were a mess...I'll be sticking with it for now anyway


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