Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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I'm watching this with interest. As because HRT upsets my IBS I was told my next option was anti-depressants which I really didn't want to take..... I was also told angus cactus might be worth a try but I have seen mixed reviews on this....watching this with interest...


--- Quote from: Megamind on June 11, 2017, 07:31:16 PM ---It sounds good so far Daisy.

Annie, did you get it online? I want to tell my family member where to get it.

--- End quote ---

Yes I asked Daisy where she ordered hers from and as there's quite a few out there I'd rather order from word of mouth

Like you ladies I've suffered this quite a few years because of menopause and really hesitant to get medication for it in case it upsets other aspects.  I'm happy overall apart from this social anxiety that's presented itself

Relevant update - pretty bad night re arm and leg - weak feeling as well as pins and needles and a cold sensation on arm and leg. Woke about 4am and instantly scanning for symptoms- this kind of night would have had anxiety off Richter scale - I felt the dread but it didn't escalate into panic and I went peacefully back to sleep even though I was worried. Still worried this morning. But I am not floored with the usual crippling anxiety.

Thought this was interesting enough to update you all on it this morning.

Still doesn't change the fact it's not a great day - but I am def seeing results with severe anxiety reduction !!

Megamind - chiropractor did scan said neck showed major problem with C3 area. And that it was worse than when he had started treatment! At least he was honest. He did a good treatment and suggested ice tonight - strangely feels a little better - but it could be my imagination! Anyway CBD update -  tonight was mum's turn! The 'turn' she took in church on Sunday- was actually a heart attack! I stayed pretty calm and back home after a long evening still feeling like anxiety has been turned down a few notches. I am still sceptical even though I haven't hit that crisis point again since starting it.

Will keep you posted

DaisyB x

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So I promised I would be honest in my trial of CBD. Last night was horrendous - I woke middle of night arm hand and leg seemed like they belonged to someone else. Panic started to rise - I noticed the waves of anxiety did not hit me -but it did accelerate nevertheless and I had to wake OH for help. I'm not giving up on it - it seemed to keep me in an overall calmer and clearer place. But I'm guessing at the point I was at last night not even a horse tranquilliser would have helped.

DaisyB x


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