Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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Would two drops still have an effect on your stomach? It doesn't seem like much.

With my stomach who knows.
It's the bane of my life

Mrs Brown

I've ordered some (thanks for your help Daisy)

Even if it gets me calm to go to work and not so nervy being sociable I'll feel like I've won the lottery

Hi girls - update  ;)  firstly no question is too silly xx I put 2 drops under tongue. Hasn't impacted in stomach at all - I have extremely sensitive IBS so that's a bonus.
Today I had the jitters really bad - internal shaking - adrenaline rushes - whatever you like to call them. As well as that my left arm and leg felt like they belonged to someone else - split second behind and feeling weak.

Add to this my dad is still on recovery - so mum needed drive to church and back. Mum took ill in church - had to be given tea etc etc. Had to get her home and sort them both out. In the middle of my own episode.

I took 2 drops AM and another 2 late afternoon - adrenaline was lifting my leg of the bed as I dozed. And I did not turn a hair in  my head to worry about it!!!!!! Another little result.

That said this is def not a magic bullet regarding the meno symptoms. But what I described to OH today was it feels like a heavy veil is liftjng and I am thinking clearly again. For a long long time I have felt disconnected as my head was so full of fear.

My OH is a smoker ( I was a light smoker in/off) I haven't craved a sneaky menthol since starting on it. OH says after 2 days his desire to smoke has dramatically reduced. He has also noticed reduction in pain ( joints etc)

Downside to this is my CBD is going twice as fast since he started it ;D  I might swap his for swamp water and hope he gets the placebo effect  ::)

I'm still cautious girls - I am giving it to Friday then I'll start to withdraw supplements first to chart any difference in anxiety levels

DaisyB xx

It sounds good so far Daisy.

Annie, did you get it online? I want to tell my family member where to get it.


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