Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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Great news Daisy. I'm interested in the oil as have a young family member suffering badly with anxiety so will see how much you improve then recommend it x

Yes megamind - I will keep posting on any change for better or worse. I like the idea that it is working primarily for anxiety and pain but is non-addictive.
It is def not a cure all as far as I'm concerned. But if I can reduce the anxiety I can cope better with the symptoms I'm getting. A good example is my arm and leg are feeling weak and a bit clumsy this morning. This normally sends me into full blown panic mode but here  I am drinking coffee and thinking 'I don't like this but if I have to live with it I will!!'

That said I have seen so many peaks and troughs in this menopause journey that I wouldn't like to mislead or get too confident. So I am giving myself 1 month and adding or taking away other supplements to see if I can say for sure it's the cbd  ;)

DaisyB xx

Fingers crossed x

Hi Daisy, I have no problem with meds.  I am not one to suffer in silence (or suffer at all if I can help it).  I have a very low threshold for pain and discomfort and if I can take something to improve matters I will.  I never saw Thyroxine as a drug anyway, but a hormone replacement in itself.  I had no choice as my condition is Hashimoto's which is autoimmune and by the time I was diagnosed my TSH was 52!

I also take vitamin D supplements, vitamins, Glucosamine as well as SSRI and Betablockers. I spent years and lots of money on alternatives and different therapists and in the end I just wanted to put an end to the striving for something I was not going to find.

Good luck with your treatments.

Can I please ask a silly question. I had a bit of a Google and the CBD comes in two types I think.
Is the one you are using something you rub on.....yep said it was a silly question but I did see there were oral drops.
I'm really keen to try something natural for my anxiety but I have a bit of a sensitive stomach so anything I have to swallow makes me wary.

Thank you for charting your progress with this and I hope it continues to help.

Mrs Brown


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