Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

CBD oil for anxiety

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girls - just wanted to share that I have opted to go for this oil as an alternative to anti-anxiety meds for 1 month - GP isn't opposed to it as it's grown and cultivated etc organically in Ireland and is non psychoactive- will keep you posted on progress (or not)

DaisyB x

What does CBD stand for DaisyB?x


--- Quote from: peri on June 06, 2017, 04:59:38 PM ---What does CBD stand for DaisyB?x

--- End quote ---

It's extracted from Cannabis!

What does it stand for ........... has it been tested and given NICE approval  :-\ if not, why would anyone take something that hasn't been trialled against drugs that can work ?  Let us know how you get on .......

Lol - chill CKLD its organic, grown on home turf, approved by FDA and psychosomatic properties removed. I'd much rather try this first than jump into anti anxiety drugs with multiple side effects - GP didn't oppose but asked me to try her way if mine fails. I agreed  :)  because ultimately I need the anxiety controlled and if I can't do it organically I will acquiesce.

DaisyB x


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