Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Hi guys....glad to become a member!
I'm new and hope this forum may be of some help!
I'm 49yrs old and have been suffering symptoms for about 2-3yrs though really only been diagnosed about a year and a half ago as peri menopausal... I still take periods though they are erratic.
I can't take HRT due to Breast cancer risks so have been taking evening primrose oil, vitamins and magnesium mostly for aching joints... I  feel 80....but I have started getting really dry and sore down below even when I just need to pee, some days I'm in the doc did give me cream but told me to use it sparingly because of the estrogen and again the cancer my 1st question is this....any tips on dryness??  Just daily ....never even mind sexy lol I just want to be able to walk normally! Also I have started to get horrendous Breast pain, shooting stabbing pains and I'm actually convinced their getting bigger! Any reliable herbale help? I am seriously beginning to lose the plot! My brain is mush....I cant concentrate on anything....I'm not this all normal??Any tips....please 😆😆😆 sorry for such a long 1st hello! 

Hi and welcome
The oestrogen cream is very safe - Very low dose so highly unlikely to increase cancer risk. This cream should help me you dryness and the uti type symptoms.
Vaginal moisturiser is also essential - SYLK or the YES products are the favourites with most of us.
Avoid caffeine and acidic drinks and don't use anything scented on the 'lady bits'.
Alternative remedies rarely help. Good diet and exercise is the the way to go and HRT is the only real help for meno symptoms .
Have you had breast cancer or perhaps your sister or mother?
DG x

Thanks for the reply! Sister and mothers 2 sisters had Breast cancer...I was referred to the hospital who refused to give me any HRT at all and told me to try alternative medicines....easier said than done! I've never heard of the vaginally moisturiser though can that be bought in a chemist or is it prescription?
Thanks E x

Vaginal moisturisers can be given on prescription but we usually buy it online or at the chemist I you can get it.
I love SYLK used daily and also use Multi Gyn Actigel a couple of times a week as this helps to keep the flora balance right in the vagina therefore preventing infections e.g. Thrush, taking hold.
I started a thread 'The Burning Club' some time ago and you may like to look at this as discomfort and horrible burning is very common and lots of women  have contributed to this thread.
Just google the vaginal moisturisers - they tend to be cheaper bought online. DG x

Hi Estrath1


Hurdity x


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