Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Update on medical herbalist

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Thanks, I am near a dental hospital but keep being told you cant go. I may have to turn up there.

It is good to be reminded that lots of us feel anxious. Im 6 years post meno and beginning to wonder whether this hell will ever end! :-/

Thanks for the replies, really helpful. xx

The anxiety does improve, really it does.

I've never taken anything for it except natural supplements. HRT did nothing to help that aspect at all. Little by little things are starting to improve.
There is light at the end of the tunnel. It just takes a while to get there.

Mrs Brown

Hi Elliemay

Sounds good, I've always been tempted to go to a herbalist as there's so much that the medical profession don't know.

I don't know how you've coped with your failed root canal for so long, I had the same a couple of years ago and it was miserable. I ended up getting the tooth out in the end - such relief. Is that an option or is it too noticeable?

Good for you Elliemay, if this is your choice I wish you every success with it. I have a number of pals here and abroad who have to, or choose to, take herbal meds and some have reacted brilliantly well to them. We can't know unless we try.

You will always get a negative reaction when trying something natural, usually from those naysayers who will poo-poo everything unless it has been proven in scientific study. In my experience real doctors, not white coat wannabes, are very open minded about trying alternatives, many have encouraged me to do so over the years including some well known specialists often mentioned on this site. Of course todays natural may well be tomorrows scripts! And of course even if it's a placebo effect that helps, who cares hey!!

I wish you every success with your regime and thank you for sharing with us here xx

Forgot to mention Elliemay, Breeze's son suffers from adrenal fatigue, why don't you PM her, she is a lovely lady who may be able to give some advice re the treatment he has been given. (Sorry, I can't remember what the doc has done for him but seem to remember it was lifestyle changes) Good luck x


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