Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Update on medical herbalist

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You do what makes you feel better Elliemay, each person reacts differently to things and only someone who has walked in your shoes would really understand.  We're only here once after all

Our hospital has an emergency dentist where you ring in the morning and they fit you in if they can.  They're very good and charge NHS rates

I hope you continue to feel better and improve more xxx

I don't know where you live but you should be able to get treatment on the NHS for your dental problem!  Also, an abscess continually draining may well impact on any other medication or herbal preparations you are taking!  Who has told you that you are unable to get treatment for this?

Just back from work with a stonking migraine, thanks for the replies. £500 is the nhs price for the tooth treatment :-/ even though I qualify for free nhs treatment.  It is complicated to treat a failed root canal under a crown. I paid £300 for the crown a few years ago too. I could have it extracted free but it is a massive crown at the side of my mouth that would be very noticeable. A bridge isnt possible and I cant afford an implant. It would have to be a plate with just one tooth  which isnt ideal because im a performer.  So ive been putting it off... but it feels very toxic!

Mine is huge too ellie may,  it was the 4th tooth along from front teeth. I thought it'd be really noticeable,  but it isn't, is yours nearer your front tooth. I too had root canal and a crown and felt annoyed I hadn't just got it out in the first place. I'd rather have a gap than constant abscesses as they are awful. 

I had mine out under GA at an NHS clinic due to abscess, the infection just wouldn't go and the numbing jabs wouldn't work


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