Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Update on medical herbalist

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Hi, just thought I'd let people know how I was getting on seeing a medical herbalist.  Ive got such bad anxiety that im just waking up trembling, feeling sick, chills & fever. Been going on ages. Also have meds phobia that gps dont understand, ive been snapped at a couple of times by them so have lost trust.

Stress has ramped up due to my financial situation but it's meno that really kicked it off.

Herbalist has the luxury of an hour long consultation that our poor gps can never have. This in itself helped me, as did the fact that he is coming from the same place as me in preferring natural medicines. He does gladly work alongside pharmaceuticals if people are taking them but it was a relief to me that someone didnt actually tell me off for not wanting to take antidepressants!

He is working from the stance of adrenal fatigue and using herbs that balance the energy. I have ashwaghanda for adrenal balance, mistletoe that is a strong nerve tonic not to be messed with, rhodiola, another calming one and st johns wort for the depression. The last 2 only make up 40% of my blend. Think SJW has oestrogenic properties if I remember rightly?

Being me it took up to 3 weeks to even try it because im so anxious.  ::) but I can say that my mood has lifted, im able to function a little better after months of brain fog and although my anxiety is off the scale in the morning s, to my surprise I can definitely feel that something is containing it and taking the edge off. And if im honest im not yet taking the full dose. There was no escalation of anxiety and no side effects that im aware of. Ive felt slightly sick but I think that is the anxiety itself.  These blends work in a very gentle way.

I was a bit scared of SJW but am happy with it being such a low percentage of the blend. My herbalist specialises in stress and hormonal problems and is an registered medical herbalist.

I wouldn't buy any of these herbs and just try them on my own because they are potent so even though I cant really afford the treatment it is worth it to me.

Just thought this may help some of you. I will still be on the other threads trying to find out why I feel so damned ill every day!  ::)

Oops, should say ive only been taking it for 2 weeks and not full dose most days

That's great news.
I'm a firm believer in ...if it works then it works. Doesn't matter what it is.
Perhaps if you also tried Mindfulness then that could help control your panicky feelings.
I took St John's Wort for many years with great success and no side effects.

Can you keep us updated on your progress.

Good luck and out hope you continue to improve.

Mrs Brown

Thsnks Mrs Brown. Ive bern trying cbt and mindfulness, observing the feelings and letting them go but am still waking up every day feeling like ive been beaten up. That's not an exaggeration.  I do have a failed root canal on a tooth that has a chronic abscess. I can't afford the £500 to get it fixed. I swear that is contributing to me feeling so lousy but have been told that the infection will stay by the root! Ive had it over a year...constantly draining through the gum. It is disgusting. :-/

Just a thought about your tooth.

Are you anywhere near a dental hospital as you can have treatment done there for next to nothing I think if you are prepared to let students look in your mouth.
Also most dentists will set up a payment plan which could let you get that fixed.

It's no fun having a sore mouth all the time.

Hope today improves for you. I always awaken feeling anxious. It's very common in menopause.

Mrs Brown


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