Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Evening primrose causing blurred vision??

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Tnx.  That's the word I was searching for  ::)

What exactly is olive-leaf supposed to do?  I know that various oils in our diets are 'good' ..... but the leaves?

'research' -  ::).  Like Turmeric is the spice of the moment  :-\ ......  unless research is Peer Reviewed it's not worth considering ;-).  Which were you trying to eradicate - shingles goes eventually though some sufferers still feel nerve endings tingling for years after.  My Mum didn't though and she's had it 3 times.

One has to have had chickenpox in order to catch shingles.  Certainly it can be triggered by stress, both Mum and M-in-L had falls and 4-5 weeks later, both had shingles.  Not at the same time though. 

I also know that someone who had chemo therapy who still has tingling following shingles years ago.  There is also a drug which if given within 72 hours can stop the virus progressing.  But getting to a GP within 72 hours  ???  :-\.

Which nerve root was the virus following in the mouth?  Was it long B4 it was diagnosed as shingles which is Herpes Zosta? which we all carry ......... until it's triggered or am I confusing the two  :-\.

As an aside my friend was told that one could only get measles once, well she had 6 siblings and each time they had measles ....... that was in the days when we all went to parties if kids had something 'catching'  ::).

Tell us more about the olive leaves ..........  tnx Hasty:  Turmeric has been used in India cooking for Centuries.  The biggest problem with it, is that it stains!

C7 and C8 are in the cervical spine but can't remember which lever nor which areas they 'control'  ::). 

All I remember about chicken pox was the itching, made worse by the Calomine lotion  >:( - whoever thought *that* was a good idea needs a  :kick: ...... as it dried it itched >sigh<. 


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