Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Evening primrose causing blurred vision??

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hello girls

Looking for any advice re evening primrose oil. My younger sis contacted today - 4 yrs younger than me and periods have started going skew whiff last few months. She's been taking high dose of evening primrose and has a history of migraine. She has been experiencing blurred vision for over week now - no migraine pain and had eyes tested this week all clear?

Any advice very welcome xx

DaisyB  ???

Hi Daisy,

I took EPO many years ago to try to relieve symptoms of PMS; painful breasts, bloating, period pain, but it didn't agree with me. I experienced diarrhoea, abdominal cramps and discomfort. I stopped after a few months as there were no benefits. Many women swear by it though for treating PMS. We are all different.

If your sis has experienced the blurriness since taking the EPO, maybe she should stop it for a while to see if it clears. I've not heard of it causing headache or migraine but as I said we're all so different, maybe it's triggering silent migraine (symptoms of migraine with aura etc but without the headache). When in migraine I regularly find it difficult to focus. x

I've never heard of it causing visual problems.
I used to take it years ago for breast pain and it worked really well..

However we all all different and I agree with ER...perhaps stop.

Trouble is we never know what's causing what.

I hope your sister feels better really soon

Mrs Brown

My eyes have been blurry for a few months, intermittently.  They are also dry or very watery .......... HORMONES!  ::)

Dry.  Gritty.  Watery.  I had thought earlier this week that I must see my ? - the one who does my eye tests every 2 years. 

I haven't taken evening primrose so can't comment on if it's connected.  Maybe a Pharmacist could give advice DaisyB?


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