Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Pycnogenol (French Maritime Pine Bark)

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Hi Everyone
Back in early Feb this year I posted that I was trying out Pycnogenol in an attempt to ease severe night sweats and hot flushes, having read an article in a Saga magazine recommending it. I promised to report back. I took 2 x 60mg capsules a day. For the first month I noticed no difference at all; however I am pleased to report they then began to ease and I've been completely free of them now for getting on for a month!! One very happy bunny here!  :D I've now reduced the dose to one capsule a day and will at some point try stopping completely to see what happens. Who knows ... maybe they would have stopped of their own accord anyway, but all I know is I'm now sleeping well again at night and having no hot flushes during the day. FYI I buy the capsules from Holland & Barratt who seem to be amongst the cheapest supplier; that said, they're not cheap at £14.99 for 30, but I would say well worth it!


Do you keep a food/mood/symptom diary too?

That's fantastic Blondie!

This has eased you through - well done! I remember another lady over at Hystersisters found by chance that the Pycnogenol did the same for her when she started taking it to help an eye condition, of all things! Her MD actually recommended it to her for the eye problem.

If you're feeling good, then that's all that we're all searching for.

Hugs! xxxxx

Thanks Tempest  :-*. CLKD, not too sure what you mean by a food/mood/symptom diary- I have to be careful what I eat because I'm a coeliac so my diet is pretty static. However, one other positive thing is that alongside the disappearance of the hot flushes/nightsweats has been a definite lowering of anxiety levels.

Hello ladies.

 Blondie61 - thanks for an interesting post.

Stellajane - My flushes are closely linked to my anxiety in that I often struggle to work out if the anxious thought brings on  the flush or the flush somehow turns an okay thought into an anxious one! It's probably a mixture of the two but the fact that we flush/ sweat during the night when we are dipping in and out of consciousness makes me believe that the  ebb and flow of the flushes are firmly in charge.

Take care ladies.



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