Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Question About Mindfulness.

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Hello Woodlands.

Thank you for your comments and so pleased that mindfulness has helped you.

When I was talking to my friend she said the next time I feel a hot flush/anxious/palpitations etc I should try ‘living in the moment‘ and that would help. I went through the exercises in the book and used the CD but it didn't have any impact.  Can I ask ladies if it has helped with your actual meno symptoms ? 

Wishing you well and thank you for your help.


Mindfulness didn't do it for me, I'm afraid to say. However, always give these things a try. I was given so many bits of paper on mindfulness to fill in to help me rationalise things. I found them a deterrent. I knew what the problem was & putting it down on paper wasn't helpful at all. Therapist made deductions based on my scribblings. Chatting generally was more helpful, a sounding block so to speak. At the time lots of things had been happening health wise with family. My anxiety went through the roof. Hubby became withdrawn, sorting things in his own way, so having a neutral to speak to was most beneficial. Our GP surgery has a "listener" she doesn't judge just helps by being there. 


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