Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Ginger - mothers (natural) little helper


A few years back I was in Australia on long road trip.  At a roadside stop, our guide recommended a bottle of the local ginger beer if anyone suffered motion sickness as were about to go through a twisty section of road.  I bought some of the local brew and have to say it worked a treat.  Since then I always keep some fresh root ginger in the fridge.  Whenever I have "funny tummy" (quite often at this age!!)  I either grate some into hot water, or often I just chew on a nugget of it.  It really works for me.  Over the last few months I have been getting lots of headaches, and the other day I wondered if it would work for the headaches too, having run out of ibuprofen.  And yes, it does!!  Magic stuff.  Hope this helps someone else.  :)

We have used ginger in cooking for over 20 years.  Like honey, it is one of Nature's healers.  Ginger biscuits when travelling which can, if necessary, be sucked though that's a little messy.  If I feel 'off' I eat crystallised ginger or drink some of the juice from the jar. 

ooh yes!  Never thought of crystallised ginger!  A sweet treat too!

Yummy ;-). 


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