Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Reiki, interesting experience!

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Elliemay, sounds really interesting.  I too am a big believer in the alternative side of things and yes, always research my therapists thoroughly.  Reiki is something I have yet to try but I must admit I am a little bit scared of the 'feeling' bit as I'm a bit sensitive to stuff like that.  It would be good if we got somebody who practices it to comment.

If you expose your skin, say your stomach and chest, and then place your hands above one point you can feel the heat building up as you're stopping air from circulating (like the body heat you feel being close to someone else).

I had it once (quick taster in a spa) and assumed the heat you felt was simply this but would also be interested to know more about how blockages are supposedly released, as have also heard people since say it was very effective.


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