Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Reiki, interesting experience!

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I used to work as a holistic therapist myself but had somehow bypassed reiki. I think I had a taster session once. I was feeling so bad with meno anxiety & depression that my friend offered me a session. She brought the massage bed round.i am too anxious to lie back & relax, the dog was barking at passers by and i was thinking it perhaps wasn't the right time! My body was totally fighting it, twitching and I had a big patch  of anxiety that felt like a slime monster from ghostbusters, hovering above the chest.

Now, I had tons of hypnotherapy in the past for anxiety and could never visualise anything but during reiki I was told to bring in any guides or whatever that may help. That was a bit much for my anxiety so I just imagined a white light.  All of a sudden, my Mum's face appeared in it, not like some glorious angel but really matter of fact basically telling me to let go of some childhood trauma (i had quite a bit) and it was all ok! It wasn't like a ghostly apparition I just took it to be repressed memories that were blocking something. Thing is that i started crying (something i find hard to do) so did the therapist!

Anyhow, I still have anxiety and mood swings but that was over a month ago and i still feel that something very deep rooted actually went away for ever in that session!

Just thought I'd mention it for those who have emotional pain issues. Definitely worth a try.

Ju Ju:
What a lovely experience! Just keep your Mums message at the back of your mind for whenever you feel overwhelmed.

Several years ago, I went on workshop called **** it, which suited the emotional place I was in. During the day, we did a visualisation exercise. I mutinously thought, "I don't do visualisation." before drifting off on clouds or liquid. I was aware I was a baby before birth and I was hugging myself and telling myself I was OK. In other words, the message I learned in childhood that I wasn't good enough was incorrect. This has had a profound impact on me ever since.

I did try Reiki once. The practitioner told me a young boy was watching over me, but I freaked out and didn't go back. Still don't know how I feel about that. I did have a friend who was killed in a road accident when I was ten. You have to be ready for some experiences, perhaps.


That does sound a powerful visualisation. I think that the "not good enough" message has an awful lot to answer for with a lot of us.

I tried spiritual healing when anxiety first hit, they freaked me out by saying they would send their guides to visit me in the night! Whaaat? :-o

This wasn't freaky at all though, I had been worried about the floodgates opening but it felt like i would only let got what was safe for me. I had a lot of painful memories associated with Mum, she was very ill and died at 46. I realised that i had actually shut her out. Since the reiki, i feel like I have Mum back with me (ie, I can think of her in a positive way. It's really lovely actually)

Have been  suspicious of Reike ever since I read a practitioners web page, where she claimed she could 'cure' cancer. :-\

This sort of claim is illegal anyway so I hope that it was just a 'rogue' practitioner, and not the norm. 

I had Reiki for years when my anxiety was at its peak. Sometimes I had to cancel the appointment as I couldn't get out of the house. But I did find it wonderfully calming. No 'out of body' experiences but just a deep rooted sense of calm after each session. Well worth a go.



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