Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Stopping HRT and coping with the fall out

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--- Quote from: breeze on March 29, 2017, 12:09:24 PM ---
It seems that HRT is fine (if it suits you), but you still have to go through the effects of hormone change when you stop taking it. 

--- End quote ---

It would be no different to you stopping the alternate therapy, if it is providing relief.  If the effects of menopause are still there you would also still experience symptoms. 

The notion that HRT only "delays the inevitable" is another one of those myths about HRT that people like to spread, even though it doesn't have any substance.

Alternatives don't affect hormone levels they just releive the symptoms. They help you through the process of the body readjusting. Which it does eventually but you have to allow it to do so. You may not believe this but I do, as do others. As I said each to their own.

Well if this was the case no woman who takes HRT would ever be able to stop, yet I know a number of women who have been able to come off HRT after a period of time with no problems. Other friends who are in their 70s and never taken HRT are still suffering. Everyone is different and my issue with your post is that you claimed something as fact when it isn't. That's the biggest problem with HRT naysayers.

Anyway I'll stick with what I'm doing. I like the long term benefits of HRT so coming off isn't something I have any plans of doing. It's about quality of life. I tried the alternate stuff and quite frankly it was just an expensive waste of time and I was literally suicidal. My quality of life now is great.

I did not claim any 'facts' just my opinion.

Just as what you post is 'your opinion'.

This is the 'Alternatives section' and I can post about it if I want too.

I do not like your tone at all.

Anyway, akd, good food supplements helped me a great deal. As did gentle exercise and mindfulness. There are some good books about going through the meno the natural way. Some were in this websites store. I don't know if they still are, if not just do a Google search.


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