Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Stopping HRT and coping with the fall out

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Found the book.  It's on in the shop it's on all 'Alternatives section'

Hope that helps

Yes, couldn't agree more. Although, there are some pluses.

No periods, no PMT and no risk of pregnancy.

And, I have to say, that four years post meno I'm feeling fine, accept for the odd bout of anxiety (but I've always had that anyway). :)

Actually you did state it as "fact". You said "you still have to go through the effects of hormone change when you stop taking it." That is an absolute statement. If you don't like my "tone" then don't dress up opinions as facts. This might be the alternate section, but opinions should still be stated as opinions.

I not going to argue. It's really not worth it. Life is far too sort. I have more important things to think about.

Have a nice day.  :)

I thought I would go through Menopause on my own - didn't know what all the fuss was about   ;)
Then the symptoms hit  :o
I started with alternative therapies but the relief was minimal,  I was literally too ill to leave the house.
So I tried HRT and finally got my quality of life back - seeing friends, going to work, household chores: normal things.
So I agree - some are lucky to sail through no problems, others find alternatives effective but for me it's HRT all the way.
Wouldn't life be boring if we were all the same  :)


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