Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Stopping HRT and coping with the fall out

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I've recently stopped taking HRT personal choice, but the symptoms are back, hot flushes I can deal with them its the mood swings and headaches.

I currently take magnesium, just wondered if anyone has had any experiences with herbal remedies?

I've tried black cohosh in the past but didn't help

Any advise appreciated.

Black cohash may help initially but once the hormones begin to fluctuate any benefit is often lost  ::).  Have you browsed our 'alternative' room?  If herbals helped significantly they would be on the NHS ;-).

Gentle exercise.  Keep hydrated.  Eat little and often.  Headaches can be caused by the body being thirsty.  Mood swings can be eased by eating regularly or you may require an anti-depressant-type medication to even them.

Any of the alternative therapies are going to be a bit hit and miss. The thing I've observed with those who take them is that they MAY provide some relief if the symptoms are minor or during peri meno, but if the symptoms become more severe they are useless. If they worked as well as they are supposed to then more women would be using them and not resorting to HRT.

I understand you have made a personal choice about HRT, but you do need to consider quality of life. I prefer to take advantage of both the short and long term benefits of HRT. I hardly even think about the fact that I'm menopausal now because I have no symptoms at all.

Like you, I stopped my HRT just before Christmas (personal choice) but sadly started to suffer some symptoms again, mostly the mood swings you mention along with chronic insomnia and a host of others.  I had an appointment with my meno nurse and between us we decided I was better off on it than off so I've gone back onto Femoston 1/5 conti (which is what I was on previously).  Although I'm only just a week into re-starting them I have to say I'm feeling so much better.  It's a hard decision to weigh up but as Dana says, it had got to the point where I felt my quality of life was suffering, much like it was when I started my journey.

Hope this helps a little......

There are lot's of us who have managed without HRT, and have used 'alternatives', when necessary.

It seems that HRT is fine (if it suits you), but you still have to go through the effects of hormone change when you stop taking it. 

You pays you money and you makes your choice.


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