Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Benefits of yoga or Pilates

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I have been going to a yoga class for over ten years, its adapted to suit " older ladies" and its more gentle stretching with some easy yoga poses thrown in .  No headstands but we do downward dog and salute the sun !  I enjoy the relaxation at the end and I never look at anyone else, too busy concentrating on remembering what pose Im supposed to be doing.  I find the breathing exercises good, and actually, when I had two recent treatments to go through , both the medical professionals said how calm and controlled I was , and it was definitely down to the breathing !

I have started a mindfulness course on my own with a book and cd. I think i started it about the same time you did Sparkle. I have slipped about as doing it on my own but i have found if i get anxious concentrating on my own breath is very useful. As they say your breath is always there 😁
And that is one good thing i have found.

walking the dog:
There's,a free mindfulness app I have on my phone think its called mindfulness 1-9 counting its handy in emergencies

....... and breath.  But breath correctly!  Singing will help  ;)

I sympathise with the looking at others thinking they are doing it better than you...I did pilates with a group after first baby as a post-natal get body back together and it was great - really improved muscle tone. Then after second baby tried a local general pilates class and just felt like I didn't have the right clothes etc. I've regretted that and now contemplating trying again - for deep muscle strength and continence if nothing else!


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