Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Benefits of yoga or Pilates

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Next week Sparkle. It's going to be weird: haven't been to a gym since the migraines kicked in big time! As you know I've been doing back and hip stretches to ease the pesky back problems but I've gone from ultra flexibility to old crone in such a short period of time.

I thought I'd start off with Pilates because my biggest prob at the moment is probably the fact that I've really stiffened up. I can easily break a sweat with my walking but I'm not using all my muscles for that. Jeez when I think what I could do with my body! x

walking the dog:
Elizabethrose, you probably know already to do this but make sure the Pilates teacher knows your particular problems and they generally offer an alternative pose for bad backs etc. I'm sure you will reap the benefits
Sparkle in jealous of your retreat. Yes I try to use the mindfulness daily as part of my life now, if my mind wanders off and anxious thoughts kick in I find it helps.
At my GP later today so will ask her when I can resume yoga and Pilates

I'm a massive fan of Pilates - it's helped me so much.   I have lower back problems and after extensive physio I was recommended to try it as he thought it would help.  I went from the lady at the back of the class that could barely move to the one down at the front who can now stretch and twist with the best of them  :)  Try and find a class you feel comfortable in and make sure they know your limitations and problems.  They should adapt exercises for you if you find them hard but you should find after a while that you can do it - and it's a wonderful feeling.  After 4 years of it I still surprise myself when I suddenly can do something that I had previously struggled with.  And also be aware, some weeks will be better than others depending on what sort of aches and pains you have.

I'm out of bed, what more do you want  ;D.   Himself advocates:  :bed: .........  :whist:



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