Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Benefits of yoga or Pilates

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I am thinking of having another go at one of these to reduce stiffness/tight muscles. My problem is that I find both pretty tedious and have never managed to keep going long enough to see any significant improvement despite several attempts over quite a few years. I quite like the relaxation part at the end but don't enjoy the exercises at all. I always feel that others are doing better than I am. I know that i shouldn't compare but it is hard to resist!  :D
I am wondering whether it would be better to pay for a fixed length course rather than just going to a local authority centre. Alternatively i could treat myself to a part yoga/part walking weekend to see if a different environment might help.

What benefits have MM members had from yoga?

Any exercise is good.  We are built to walk/run but Life style means that we often don't do enough.  One can do exercise alone but the benefit of joining a group is the stimulation of conversation and exchanging ideas.  Does your local Council organise walk for health guided walks, ours does 2 a week.  For about 45-60 mins. then the group has a cuppa at the end.  I joined a swimming group but never went so that was a waste of £50.00. I also have a treadmill ...........  :-X

Brisk walking several times a week is good.  Cycling.  Many years++ ago my boss advocated yoga and we thought he was 'way out'  ::).   But it's such an age-old relaxation therapy that it must be beneficial as long as one doesn't try to do the Lotus position straight off ;-).  I know nowt about pilates other than it's an exercise regime, how about ballet?  You would have good supervision and advice.

Most exercises can be done at home, either after doing a beginners course/class or by buying videos etc..  It depends on whether someone wants company or prefers to exercise alone.  I'm spontaneous so that I would tend to put my walking boots on, grab a coat and set off !

Just signed up for a Pilates class Katejo, need to get cracking. I've never done it either, only ballet, jazz and Californian stretch so a very different pace to my previous experience. However, that was in a different life: these bones need exercising!

My daughter loves both and finds them very mentally therapeutic!

Tai 'chi was the other idea, quite calming in an ordered kind of way apparently.  Let us know what you decide?

walking the dog:
Cant wait to get back to Pilates after my recent hysterectomy. I find it totally relaxing as I have to concentrate on the exercises and I do feel much better afterwards


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