Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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On the subject of turmeric, last year I injured my shoulder quite badly (overdoing it in the gym).  I refused to take the Naproxen that my GP prescribed.  I struggled with this injury for a good 6 months, struggling even to brush my hair.  Finally a friend suggested turmeric.  A few weeks of freshly made turmeric tea (root grated into hot water) and my shoulder was fine.  Maybe it healed naturally, maybe it was the turmeric.  I think its always worth trying these natural remedies.  I am very lucky here in North London.  My local Turkish supermarket has a supply of root turmeric which costs about 20p a piece. 

Not seen it in root form, we buy it in powder - if Nature was given a helping hand ? ;-).  Don't knock it.


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