Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Kansa wand

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Hi there - I'd never heard of these so just looked them up!  Although the description on some of the sites was a bit "whizzy-whazzy" to quote CLKD (!) there was a video on Youtube of someone being given a massage with one of these which looked incredibly relaxing and I can imagine that any sort of massage treatment like this is bound to be beneficial if it relaxes you and eases away tension.  I'd love to have half an hour lying there while someone did that to me  ::). Do you think you can do it to yourself though - she was lying down with her eyes closed? The other thing was there was no price on the sites where it is promoted - you had to write to the person selling them but one American site was selling a face one for 45 dollars which does seem a lot to me for a massage tool, and the foot and body ones were 75  :o - although cheaper than paying someone to give you the treatment!

Anyway hope you find it beneficial and it does relax you :)

Hurdity x

Sorry everyone for not coming back to you all but have had a few family problems. I regret to say the kansa want didn't work for me 😔

That's a shame Michelle. Sorry to hear about your family problems. Hope that things are better now?

Taz x

Yes things are sorted now thankyou.

That's good to hear.

Taz x


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