Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Jasmine essential oil (aromatherapy)

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--- Quote from: Tempest on January 26, 2017, 08:33:43 PM ---..........spearmint helps to clear migraines without the drug side effects.......
--- End quote ---

Hi Tempest.  Can you shed a bit more light on this, please? My Hubby is interested, as he gets migraines.  Thanks!

Hi ladies,

Aromatherapy does wonders for me, lavender is my life saver during sleepless nights... I think I would be a happier person if I could live at one of those lavender fields in Provence, sooooo beautiful!

That sounds wonderful, sparkle!

Right now I feel so hopeless, helpless (because of my drunken old father and my stupid sister) I could jump into a lavender pool!

Not right now, I'm afraid. Taking care of my father 24/7 but I hope that will be over soon. I just can't cope with it anymore.

Certainly, Dulciana! :)

It can be used in dilution as a temple rub, but is also very useful as a tea - your husband may very well prefer this, and here's a nice article about it:

I hope you find this interesting - pure spearmint tea is relatively easy to find online, or from a good health store (some of the independent stores are wonderful, and often sell very pure, loose herbs - I always prefer to buy my valerian this way).

Let me know if he gives it a try, and if it's helpful! xxxx


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