Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Jasmine essential oil (aromatherapy)

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Absolute bliss, Menomale! :)

I use one of these:

I diffuse lavender in it mostly - occasionally a blend of sandalwood and rose geranium. It has saved my frazzled nerves on so many occasions!

Thank you for the link, Tempest. I def want one. I didn't know you were an aromatherapist, that's awesome! I wil ask you for more advice as soon as I buy the diffuser. You can send me the bill by email...  ;D

Oh bless your heart, Menomale! I'll be more than happy to give you any tips you need! It's a wonderful little thing to have - I just know you're going to love it. :) xxxxx

Hello Tempest, saw this and very interested in the diffuser. Can these help with catarrh, mine has got worst through the Menopause and the OH seems to suffer with it too?
Shown him the one on your link and he is interested.
Also if mixing natural oils can help with Menopause probs very very interested.

Hi, Clare! :)

I think diffusing Eucalyptus would be very helpful! But can I recommend something else too? When I entered perimenopause I started suffering from rhinitis and saw a ENT Consultant who recommended Sterimar spray and it's wonderful! It's available from pharmacies and is just pure, sterilised sea water. He likes this over any form of drug treatment for things like catarrh, sinusitis or rhinitis and it's very gentle. It helps to thin nasal secretions, so should give you both great relief! I really do recommend you give it a try.

Hope this helps! xxxxx


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