Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Jasmine essential oil (aromatherapy)

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Hello ladies
Has anyone tried using jasmine essential oil as a massage to help "ease" symptoms of menopause? Does anyone know much about jasmine oil? I have read bits and pieces on the internet (but would prefer to have a reliable source of info) I am also thinking of trying this along side a diet rich in phytoestrogens.
 I am so utterly sick fed up with 5 years of different HRT preparations and pills and having a bad time every single day.
I am thinking of stopping HRT completely (gulp) Femoston conti.
I feel bad when I take it and I feel bad when I don' different ways.  :-\ So, am off to yet another different GP tomorrow to ask how safe it is to consume increased amounts of phytoestrogens, without having progesterone to protect the lining of the womb. I hope I am not told to trot off and Google it as I was on a previous GP visit!
Any thoughts on this or any experiences of the above or similar would be great.
Take care, hope you are all doing ok out there.

I spoke with an aromatherapist today and she seemed to be in support of the view that jasmine essential oil can aid with some hormonal symptoms - for people with periods, and those without! I bought some jasmine oil today and massaged a small and dilluted amount onto my tummy. I am going to go easy on it and just monitor things carefully. It smells lovely and uplifting. Am being careful as sometimes overdoing these things can result in toxicity / unwanted reactions etc.
So, no HRT for me now....this is scarey but I feel that my body is being bombarded with drugs that are not working for me so I am going to keep a diary of foods and moods and see how it goes! I am going to keep an open mind and hope for the best.........
Take care

Hi, Springchicken!

A light that I often hide under my bushel(!) is that I'm an IFA qualified aromatherapist. I actually had to quit when I developed anaphylaxis during perimenopause (but that's another story  ::)).

Jasmine is a beautiful essential oil, and provided you dilute correctly you should be fine. Lavender is also estrogenic as well as calming so if you fancy using this it may be very helpful. Tisserand do lovely little blended rollerballs of Lavender essential oil which you can pick up online if you fancy having something calming and soothing for when you're on the go. xxxxx

Ladies, I have no idea about jasmine oil specifically but am utterly convinced aromatherapy is a gift from the Gods! I used to do regular weekends to Grayshott Hall with friends and would literally float home along the A3 I was so relaxed. The combination of the massage and oils healed the soul. Once I fell asleep during a session, face down in the hole, and woke myself up snoring and dribbling.  8) One of my pals had PND after having her twins and 5 days there with an aromatherapy session a day set her on the road to recovery. She actually fell asleep at the dinner table in the restaurant one night!

Anything that makes us feel that good has got to be worth a try!

PS Tempest, post your address, I'll be round later! x

That's wonderful, Elizabethrose! It truly IS a gift from the Gods!!! Grayshott Hall is simply marvellous, by the way. :)

Anyone who poo poo's the power of nature is seriously missing out on something truly magical (and powerful)! Essential oils really do have very powerful properties - for instance, burning clary sage oil in a diffuser induces lucid dreaming, spearmint helps to clear migraines without the drug side effects and chamomile is wonderful as an all round calmer, but especially if massaged in an anti clockwise direction (in dilution, of course) over the tummy area if suffering  from bowel cramps or IBS symptoms.

If I could invite you all round to my home for a pamper session, I most certainly would! xxxx


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