Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vitamin D3 and magnesium

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Hi, I have been having hot flushes for about 6 years and seem to be coping with them, mainly night sweats. I do excercise regularly, don't always want to but normally feel better for doing so. After a long chat with the doctor I seem to be having more anxiety issues, mainly health. Every pain, twinge I associate with heart attack/death. Have tried CBT and it has helped a bit but doctor thinks maybe a very low dose of AD instead of HRT would be more helpful.
I just thought vitamin D would help lift my mood so not make me so anxious and therefore no need for ADs.
I seem to have ups and downs.
I suppose I am just confused.
Thanks Dancinggirl for your words.
Happy New Year and I hope it's good for us all.

Clare11 - Vitamin D deficiency does bring low mood and low energy so it is good to take this vitamin.  Before you try an AD/SRRi perhaps try St. John's Wort for 2-3 months.  St John's Wort is often prescribed in Germany for mild low mood and anxiety and brings fewer side effects that ADs/SRRIs. You need to go for a good brand and take an appropriate dosage - have a look at some reputable websites as there is some good research and advice available - can't recommend one right now as it's some time since I did a search.  I took SJW for about 5 months when I stopped taking HRT earlier this year and it did seem to help with sleep and reduced my irritability. DG x


--- Quote from: Clare11 on December 30, 2016, 10:12:48 PM ---Hi, I was hoping to increase my get up and go and my tiredness. Been to the Doc's and even though blood test shows I am menopausal she advises not going on HRT as it's been nearly 2 years since my last period and I am nearly 55. I thought extra vitamin D would help a wee bit.
Anyone got any ideas that would help!!!

--- End quote ---

Are you wanting to take HRT? Your doc is talking rubbish!!!!! How dare she advise you not to go onto HRT!!  This is completely wrong! Oestrogen levels continue to fall for approx 2 years following the last period so you could well be experiencing a worsening of symptoms at this point - many women do. As for your age - I was only about a year younger than you when I started HRT and was in late peri-menopause (just under 54) and I'm still on it in my eaely 60's. Between the age of 50 and 60 the benefits are thought to outweigh the risks if you are getting symptoms.

She should absolutely not be advising you to take ADs!! She is completely out of date. They are not advised for menopausal symptoms according to the NICE Guidelines and there is limited evidence that they work anyway! I really would not go down the route of ADs!! HRT will benefit your bones as Dancinggirl says, as well as improving mood, anxiety flushes sweats etc etc. If you would like further advice about this please ask as we will have specific recommendations of how to go about starting - but there is no time to lose and everything to gain :)

Vitamins and minerals etc will do absolutely nothing for menopausal symptoms, nor moods!!!! I would urge you please to think again and I am so sorry you have a doctor who is not knowledgeable or up to date.

Happy New Year to you too! :)

Hurdity x

Correct vitamin and mineral levels are VITAL for health and also to support mood. My very senior Psychiatrist has confirmed this. Here in Scotland, he often sees patients with chronically low Vitamin D levels, especially those who are virtually housebound by their mental illness. It is also surprisingly widespread amongst the general population of the rest of the UK too.

Vitamin D is very important for supporting mood, as well as B complex vitamins. A holistic approach is required when supporting the body AND mind through menopause. HRT is not vitamin support - it can't do everything. It's not a magic 'cure all', as I have found myself. Therefore I have to disagree with you a bit here, Hurdity!

Dancinggirl always gives very balanced advice about taking care of health in general as we move through the menopause transition and into later life. I greatly respect her opinions. Also, ladies who CANNOT or CHOOSE NOT to take HRT have had good success with using the 'hot flush cocktail' of vitamins as well as other lifestyle approaches.

By all means, if you would like to try HRT and are not contraindicated then it should be made available. No exceptions! But as Dancinggirl often says, sometimes this is not enough to address mental symptoms and then an AD at low dose (or possibly St. John's Wort, but check with GP first as this also has side effects are can be contraindicated in some health conditions) can be very helpful. A good number of ladies chose to take both - and sometimes it's a good idea to start a low dose AD to support mood whilst trying to find the best HRT regime for you.

I think it's a good idea to remember that all options should be on the the table to help us get through this difficult time and to move forward healthily into our post menopause years. :)

Thank you to you all, you have given me alot to think about. I really appreciate every reply.


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