Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Vitamin D3 and magnesium

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You're very welcome, Clare! Wishing you the best of luck in finding what works best for you to make you feel better. xxxx

Clare11 - nor probs - we try to help :)

By the way - I totally agree that we should not be deficient in vitamins and minerals and I am always going on about diet and lifestyle first and foremost especially as we reach this stage in our lives - so nothing to disagree about there and especially in relation to HRT not being a magic cure for all ills - I have never ever said that it is!

It is an absolute given that we need to be in the best of health in all possible ways! Clearly if we are kind to our bodies then we will be in a better place physically and mentally to cope with menopausal symptoms - I totally agree that it is a holistic thing!

My comments were said in the context of Clare11's doctor advising her not to go onto HRT and suggesting ADs instead.

I am a very firm proponent of vitamins and minerals ( who wouldn't be?) but mainly from the diet - if people attended more to their diet and lifestyle then some of these deficiencies would not occur. Unfortunately St John's Wort should not be taken with Oestrogen and therefore would not be chosen instead of ADs if HRT is being considered - which I still maintain it should be as a first option as the NICE Guidelines recommend - except perhaps in very extreme cases. That is probably the only point of disagreement I would say. I still think doctors are too fond of dishing out ADs so that many people expect to be prescribed them and these are seen as the norm.

I don't think anyone would disagree with trying out other options either if you cannot take HRT - I have always given this as a caveat when suggesting it - but what we are talking about here is someone who was advised incorrectly by her doctor not to take HRT.

"By all means if you would like to try HRT and are not contra-indicated then it should be made available" Yes! that is exactly my point!

Clare11 please let us know what you decide and how things go?

Hurdity x

Hi all, if this helps the Doctor only suggested AD's as she believes my probs or more with the mind than Menopause as I did say to her that even though I had and have flushes I have coped with them. They only come at night and do fluctuate in strength. And yes I have felt down and anxious but it's early days re CBT (just under 2 months since finished the course) and she implied it would be better to try CBT for at least 3 months to see if things improved.  She suggested taking 10mg of citalopram as it may ease my worries and then enable me to figure out my issues (seems to be Health Anxiety). Her concerns were with the fact my last period was nearly 2 years ago and the one before that nearly one year gap.
Also in 2015 my mum passed away and I had a diving incident so not sure if these have contributed to my anxiety issues.
But, again I must say you are all helpful and you have given me things to think about.

I've always been under the impression Vit D should be taken with K2

This is the first link I looked up, it's worth doing more searches

Also a good source of magnesium is epsom salt baths x

Hi Sparkle,
If I am honest I was hoping to get a pill to solve everything but I know that's unrealistic  :sigh:
I am unsure about HRT so joined this forum , which the Doctor recommended.
I did agree that I should try the CBT route but unsure about AD's.
So trying to make through without anything that is why I was looking at vitamins.
She advised I think about it and if I took AD's to go back and see her.
Sort of confused at the mo.
She is the best Doctor I have seen so far.


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