Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Coconut Oil

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I'm a bit slow this evening - by dropping a small amount into your breakfast you have found your eyes are less dry?  Mine wake me in the night, with a feeling of grit behind the eye-lids and very sore ....... would it help?

Yes CLKD that's exactly it, half a teaspoon in my porridge each morning and I no longer use my eye drops twice a day but once a day and they don't burn or feel gritty.  the same happened with fish oils but they gave me heartburn.  My bowels are also more friendly and no longer need coaxing  :)

Sounds ridiculous and I would not have believed it if I read it myself.

hope it helps sparkle x

I brought a jar of coconut oil from aldi today and was wondering what I could use it for.

Why did you buy it B4 having an idea of what to use it for  ;D


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