Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Coconut Oil

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It's an oil  -  hence the Very Good Clear Out  ;).  Oily fish can have the same effect for me  :-X ...... I love coconut 'milk'  :-X

I have been having porridge oats (heaped tbsp. or so), chia seeds(des sp) and a teaspoon of coconut oil and handful of dried fruit all soaked in boiling water for 3 minutes for breakfast.  You need quite a bit of boiling water because the chia absorbs a lot - so like a potage - then it dries up.

I started it because of a vegan porridge that I bought and liked, but was very expensive.

It covers a lot of bases - eating the right fats, lots of soluble fibre etc, so it is good to read about the coconut oil.  Unfortunately, it also requires kiwi fruit to keep my intestines on the go  ::)  but I have found some cute baby ones in M&S (damned expensive - cancels out the cheaper vegan porridge  ;D )

Only recently have I discovered the benefits of coconut oil.

Useful advice found on the net:  the oil can be made into pessaries / suppositories - by shaping with a spoon to whatever size required or using moulds (if melted) then keep in the fridge.  Will definitely give this a try.  Much cheaper than buying Vit E pessaries.

My vegan porridge seems to be having positive effects 8)  I need some more coconut oil.  I tried using some in my dry hair - it smells a bit strong :madeyes: but the effect does wear off during the day.

I am avoiding the kiwi fruit as I just don't like them very much, even though they have a good effect.  I am having one every 2-3 days.

I have added an orange to the breakfast.  Someone told me they give you energy :scottie:  I think that is probably a bit far fetched, but they are a good source of vitamin C and fibre, so I have nothing to lose  ;)

Hair also likes pure moroccan argan oil (the organic oil, not shampoos with it in) well mine does anyway.  Work it through hair, especially the ends, wait 30 minutes and then shampoo as usual. Magic  :)


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