Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Coconut Oil

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I read about coconut oil on this forum a while back, that it can be helpful for all sorts of things including constipation.  I decided to get some and since then I have used it successfully to sooth a vaginal tear whilst it healed and it certainly does help with constipation.  I have not had a day's trouble since a few days after starting to use it.

I just have a quarter of a teaspoonful melted in my porridge each morning, that's all.  I started with a half teaspoon but I got tummy pains and went to the loo rather too much!  :o

thank you to the members who took time to recommend this product.  I have not tried it as a sexual lubricant but I am sure it is just as effective for that as well  :)

I love coconut milk to drink, it's creamy as the whole milk/nut is crushed into a can.    :-*

Ju Ju:
I use coconut oil for moisturisering and as a deodorant after shaving. I didn't know it helped with constipation. I do use it for cooking some dishes and haven't noticed any difference, but I'll give it a try.

After 8 weeks I have also noticed that my dry eyes are so very much better and I am not slathering on the hand cream as much as my hands are not so dry  :)

Yes, yes Sparkle.  When I had a split in the skin by my vagina I found it incredibly soothing whilst it healed.  It certainly won't hurt you.  Maybe check the use by date hasn't expired.  x


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