Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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Anyone tried this ? 

I've searched back and only found some old posts on this supplement so just wondering if anyone has tried it recently. 

My reason for trying it is the depression which seems to have come back quite badly (or maybe it never went!).  I seem to struggle on and off with it and at times anxiety too.  I've had CBT earlier this year for the anxiety which helped so may consider the same for the depression but I noticed that my depression always seems worst in the mornings so thought to try 5 HTP.  Started taking it and have to say I do feel calmer but wonder can it work so quickly (or am I just being hopeful!). 

The meno has just been a rollercoaster of ups and downs and I just wonder will it ever end? 

I am also on HRT and my GP thought to increase my dosage of HRT as we both agreed this may help the depression which came back quite severely a few months back. 

I'm hoping that 5HTP doesn't interract with HRT in any way.  I don't think it does but perhaps should do more research myself

walking the dog:
I tried it recently it didn't help my mood but did seem to help me sleep.
Good luck hope it helps xx

Have you gone onto anti d's ?

walking the dog:
Yes sertraline 50mg but it doesn't help my pms which is why I went on it.
Waiting for hysterectomy and will stay on it til after that then withdraw

I have been reading a lot about lavender lately.  Boots now do a capsule, which I am considering trying.

Will let you know how it goes.


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