Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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Homeopathy cannot be prescribed on the NHS.  Have a look at Ben Gold??? (?) web-site to see what his Research shows.  The amounts are so minuscule that they are not found on testing and what are the preparations suspended in?  :-\ ?


--- Quote from: bramble on November 13, 2016, 04:23:04 PM ---I do use homeopathy for, in particular, migraines. I have used it for that for the last 30 years. Back then, I got the pills from my (Chinese) gp.

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As above - my (Chinese) GP worked for the NHS - I got my homeopathic tablets on the NHS.


--- Quote from: CLKD on November 13, 2016, 04:26:38 PM ---Homeopathy cannot be prescribed on the NHS. 

--- End quote ---

Years ago, I had a painful boil next to my fingernail.  Over several days, I tried bathing it in TCP and hot water, plus a number of other things to try and reduce the swelling.  None of these were really doing anything and it remained swollen and sore.  Getting a bit desperate, I bought some homeopathic tablets, just to try out - any port in a storm.  I took whatever the recommended dose was and that evening the boil burst. (I was practising and the gunge went everywhere.  Lovely. ::))  By the next day, it was much better.  I don't know if I would recommend homeopathy, but it certainly worked for me that day. 

My best ever GP (sadly now passed away due to thyroid cancer) was also a practising homeopathist and his treatments were available on the NHS. However, he always said that when I got to menopause, if I had problems, then the only thing that would fix it would be "proper" HRT and not homeopathy.  He did prescribe homeopathic remedies for lots of ailments which sometimes worked and sometimes didn't but I found it interesting.

Taz x

I've had some (unexpected as I'm a bit of a sceptic) strong physiological changes from arnica and pulsatilla which weren't down to placebo effect. Science cannot demonstrate how it works as it's based on dilutuon memory but hypnotherapy is a bit like that as it's not something you can measure and do trials on (for insurance purposes we sometimes have to call it meditation  ::))

Don't discount it because your OH has a closed mind but not sure how effective it will be on the menopause as it's action is to boost the immune system to heal itself and meno is not an actual ailment. It may work on symptoms though. If I get any more nausea I'm going to try the nux vomica and report back!


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