Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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I used it over the years - since my granddaughter was born I have used chamomile granules for colic and teething.

Tonne it was always a gentle approach - and sometimes I just want the Calvary!

That said i took it years ago for a cold - which quickly became a bad infection! Def not the reaction I was hoping for :-\ 

Hey dangermouse,
When you take Sepia, do you dilute in water or you use sublingual pearls? I have also heard that if diluted, the effect is stonger!

Also the practitioner I once visited said that coffee and anything with mint is a big no-no if you use homeopaty . Too bad as I love my morning (and only) coffee and I also tend to chew mints throughout the day! So was never able to completely not have mints or coffee while trialing homeopaty.

In retrospect, I have often used various preparations for my daughters when they were young to cure stuffed noses, sinus infections and throat inflamations. Every time with success - seems that children are very suseptive.

I have the little pearls so I didn't do any diluting myself. I spoke to a homeopath in Ainsworths and she said to stick to 30c and not go stronger with 200c if it's working but to up it around ovulation to twice a day if need to. She also said that Sepia regulates progesterone.

I think you only have to avoid the mints etc for 30 mins or so after taking the sublingual as they'll have absorbed by then.

Sepia arrived  :)  giving it a whirl :)

Ooh, let us know how you get on!


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