Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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Oh waw, Dangermouse! So interesting! Please keep posting updates please!

I was once evaluated as a Sepia-type personality by a homeopatic practitioner, but never tried the remedy :(

She also described Sepia like fair complection but dark brown hair, blue eyes - that's me to a dot! Who knows, might try Sepia as well. Homeopatic remedies are very widely used here where I live and also readily available in most, if not all pharmacies.

Good luck and thanks for sharing you experience!

Ooh I didn't know about the physical traits. I have blue eyes, pale skin and mousy hair!

Still doing well thanks! Once I've been through a whole cycle I'll have more idea of any consistency in improvement so will report back then.

I'm actually thinking of studying for a Licentiate, which I was going to many years ago but found it too expensive (as undergrad fee equivalent) but may be able to do now as professional track (as already alternative practitioner).

I did a similar thing with clinical hypnosis after London Zoo's hypnotherapist cured my spider phobia instantly (and it was REALLY bad!). Once I know something works I'm too curious and have to study it properly!

I only know sepia as a reddish brown pigment in old photographs.  Can you explain for me more about what it is in the context of homeopathy please?  :)

I'm very late to this topic but I'm a user and obviously a believer in homeopathy.
I used it when I was pregnant for morning sickness and it worked.

Many years later my daughter, as a young child, had a lot of teeth problems. She was prone to abscesses. The dentist who practiced homeopathy was not happy giving such a young child ABs so often. Neither did she want to pull teeth as the gap then fills and the mouth becomes crowded.
She gave us a homeopathic treatment ( the name escapes me at the moment) and it worked. Time after time over quite a few years.
I've used it myself on the few occasions I've had an abscess and in all but one occasion I avoided ABs.

How it works....not got a clue....but for my family it really does.

Mrs Brown


--- Quote from: babyjane on June 12, 2017, 06:23:32 PM ---I only know sepia as a reddish brown pigment in old photographs.  Can you explain for me more about what it is in the context of homeopathy please?  :)

--- End quote ---

It's the ink from a cuttlefish. I also have no idea how it works as there is no direct action that can be scientifically measured but it's about treating like with like. A little poison (and I mean a little!) to trigger the immune system into a specific action.

I suspect the specific way an immune reaction will target one poison is matched to a similar illness and a specific temperament, where the latter is a reflection of our psychoimmunology.

In modern medicine it's concept is similar to immunisation, treating the flu with a little of the flu. However, homeopathic poison is diluted to the point that the molecule can no longer be measured and apparently the more diluted, the stronger the action.


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