Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Any thoughts on Homeopathy

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I just stumbled across this thread and noted what DG said regarding 'if homeopathic medicine worked then the NHS would prescribe it'.

Well the NHS DOES prescribe it at our excellent Integrative Care Hospital which is an NHS facility here in Glasgow:

They also prescribe mistletoe therapy to cancer patients, which has promising clinical benefits.

I just thought some of you may be interested to know this. xxxxx


--- Quote from: breeze on February 16, 2017, 08:15:31 PM ---What about 'pet homeopathy'.  No placebo effect there. 8)

--- End quote ---

But does it work anyway?  It didn't work for my cat. Years ago I was going to a vet who was into all that stuff. None of it worked and my cat still had to have conventional treatment. So basically all that happened was that it cost me twice as much and I found a new vet.

There is no medical proof that it 'works' but people have had results - a lot of medicine is about being listened to.

I have great faith in homeopathic medicine. It may not work as quickly as pharmaceuticals but is gentler on the system. If it is from a reputable source I say go for it.


We seem to be evenly split between those who believe in it and those who think it is a load of codswallop! It has certainly helped me in the past with arthritis and migraines.
As I said before, if it is from a reputable source, try it. You never know.



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